In the next 24 hours you will be receiving an email invite from SchoolInfo App to create an account allowing you full access to the new Oasis Middle Charter School app.  Do not download the app yet.  Even if you have already downloaded the app, please follow these steps.  Do not click the "Register" button on the home screen of the app.

The email will be sent to the email address you have in FOCUS.  You receive should look like this:

By clicking on the "here" text in your email, you will be directed to this site:

You will now create a password, confirm the password, and click the "Register" button.  You will be redirected to a sign in screen - you do not need to sign in at this point.

Now, you should sign in on the Oasis Middle app.  Please download the app from the App Store or the Google Play Store today!  

To sign in on the app, enter your email address and the password you just created from the registration email.  Click "Login" and you will have full access to our new app!!!

Be sure to allow notifications on your phone.